A Complete Review of VidVortex

On May 4, 2019, a new revolutionary software product will soon be released to the market. Making content for your site is a tedious process. You have to search the web for hours trying to get as much relevant information relating to your site, and then make your article just to add content and promote your site. However, what if you only need to just punch in a few keywords and let a piece of software do all the work? That would be the ultimate dream, to automate content creation. Thankfully, Dan Ashendorf has got your back covered, with his brand new software product called VidVortex.

VidVortex is a WordPress plug-in that works with almost any theme. This product allows you to make a video site with complete ease. It is completely newbie friendly and doesn’t require any technical skills or knowledge to operate. With this product, you could easily turn your site into an authority site and start drawing in lots of traffic.

The way VidVortex works is not only very simple, but also very clever. After you have installed this WordPress plug-in, you can start building your authority video site. You only need to filter the videos you want to put in your site with your desired keyword or topic, license, video duration, and minimum views. After that, you could schedule when your video content will be uploaded to your site, up to a maximum of 24 hours. After all of that is done, the last step is to simply choose what language you want your description to be in (like Chinese, Spanish, etc.). You could also choose to share your new post to social media in order to gain more traffic for your site.

Dan Ashendorf’s VidVortex is a very powerful tool that will help both amateurs and professionals alike start gaining more traffic for their site. Not only that, but with the language option, you could start marketing to people you never knew you could reach. If you want to start building your own authority site without having to worry about content, then get this product for only $27. Once the product is out, we will be updating this page with more information, so make sure to bookmark this page so you could return shortly after its launch.

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