Social Vidio: A Comprehensive Product Review

Online marketers Stefan van der Vlag and Rohan Chaudhari are ready to launch the Social Vidio tomorrow, May 18, 2015 at 11:00 AM EDT. This product will be available for $47 on the front-end during the launch. It is still unknown if it would cost higher after the launch date.

Social Vidio is a software that allows you to create captivating video campaigns and do it directly within your Facebook news feeds. What it does is provide you with a higher engagement for your videos, spend lower on ads, get more leads, and most importantly, give you a better ROI. You do not have to be highly skilled in creating videos. With the help of this software, you have a video working inside your FB newsfeed that makes you look absolutely professional.

This type of software is amazing. It is compatible with any hosting system. You can use it for videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Amazon s3, Wistia, etc. It lets you add some cool looking annotations, opt-in forms, simple redirect links, count down timers, Skype call button, 2-step opt-in forms and a lot more.

If you want to know what we have to say about this product, make sure you watch out for the detailed review that we will be adding as an update to this post. Our goal is to provide our readers will all the information they need, to help them in making the best decisions before purchasing any product online. That being said, we invite you to bookmark this post for now and to check on it after the launch.

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