Graphic Design Academy For Marketers: A Review

Internet marketers are a bunch of rather versatile folk, but many of them tend to leave to more specialized individuals a certain important aspect of online marketing: visuals. Indeed, graphic design and videos tend to eat up a good chunk of a marketer’s budget; learning graphic design, however, can easily cut down the cost of running an Internet marketing campaign. Just imagine being able to do your own visuals and not pay someone else to do it for you. It does not have to be expensive either, as Shelley Penney is going to launch a new product that will guide you through the art of making graphics. It’s called Graphic Design Academy For Marketers, and we know that it won’t be long until this product’s launch.

This is a brand new course (of course!) that will teach you what you need to know about graphic design that is applicable to the context of Internet marketing. The training will show you just what you need to do and what free tools will you have to use in order to churn out your very own design quickly. The training is going to be laid out in a series of over-the shoulder videos. The price for this training will start at $9.95.

We are expecting to see Graphic Design Academy For Marketers go live this Monday, July 30, 2018. This product is launching by then at 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time. Once the product is out, we will go on ahead and update this page with our complete review. If the product interests you and you are looking to check it out, be sure to bookmark this page and come back shortly after the launch.

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