A Review of ContenTube: The Good and the Bad

Let’s face it: creating content can be very draining and mentally exhausting, so much that you can only wish that there is a tool that can do the hard work for you with the level of quality that only human authors like you can come up with. Fortunately, such tools indeed exist. Gone are the days of crude content-spinning software and what’s in are intelligent content generators that churn out human-readable content derived from multiple sources. Such tools practically make content marketing a lot easier, and one will be offered soon by Oliver Brandt. This product of his is called ContenTube and it will launch today, June 10, 2020, at 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time.

This product is a software tool that will automatically create the content that you need in just a single click. The content is completely original as it draws from numerous sources and every excerpt is spun beyond recognition. That is not a bad thing, though, as the end result actually is a human-readable piece of content. This software will soon be available for $17.

There are a lot of automated content generators out there, but just exactly what makes ContenTube stand out? That is what we are going to figure out once the product goes live, and we will be sure to let you know what we have learned about this offer in a review that we will soon add to this post. If this interests you, here’s what you should do: bookmark this very page and then return shortly after the launch has gone live. Our review should be ready by then and you will find it on this post.

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